SECTOR MODELING GUITAR AMPTMzenAmpENGLISHZenAmp_BDA_1.5 26.11.2001 15:59 Uhr Seite
45ZENAMP-MANUAL8.0 APPENDIX8.1 MIDI IMPLEMENTATION CHARTMIDI Implementation Chart v. 2.0 (page 1 of 3)Manufacturer: Hughes & Kettner Model: ZenAmp
46ZENAMP-MANUALMIDI Implementation Chart v. 2.0 (page 2 of 3)Manufacturer: Hughes & Kettner Model: ZenAmp Version: 1.00 Date: 29.03.01/APControlle
47ZENAMP-MANUALMIDI Implementation Chart v. 2.0 (page 3 of 3)Manufacturer: Hughes & Kettner Model: ZenAmp Version: 1.00 Date: 29.03.01/APControlle
48ZENAMP-MANUAL8.2 AC POWER AND THE GLOBAL CURRENT ADAPTERNOTE: Before plugging into the wall socket, make certain the ampis set to the proper voltage
5ZENAMP-MANUALENGLISHThis operating manual is also available as a computer file. To download it, go to, then to “Manuals“.
6ZENAMP-MANUAL1.0 QUICK START1. Plug the AC power cable into the mains socket onthe rear panel, then plug it into a wall socket.2. Turn the MASTER kno
7ZENAMP-MANUALENGLISH2.0 AMP MODELS Note that Fender, Marshall, Vox, Mesa Boogie, Roland and other names ofamp models and effects are the trademarks
8ZENAMP-MANUAL3.0 STANDARD SETUP/CABLE CONNECTIONS4.0 JACKS AND CONTROL FEATURES4.1 OVERVIEWThe zenAmp’s user panel is essentially divided into two se
9ZENAMP-MANUALENGLISH4.3 JACKS AND CONTROL FEATURES IN DETAILFRONT PANELINPUT: Connect your electric guitar or pick-up-equipped acousticguitar to this
10ZENAMP-MANUALREAR PANELMAINS IN: Connect the factory-included mains cord to this socket.Ensure the amp's voltage rating matches your local AC v
11ZENAMP-MANUALENGLISH4.4 THE ZENAMP AND THE Z-BOARDThe Z-Board gives you remote control over of the essentialfunctions of your zenAmp in gig situatio
12ZENAMP-MANUAL5.0 MAINTENANCE AND CAREThe zenAmp does not require service of any type. There arehowever a few basic rules that will extend the servic
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